Monday Night Movie: The Making Of TRON

TRON and Tron: Legacy are two of the most seminal movies for geeks the world over. Now on the original film’s 30th birthday, it’s time to go back to The Grid and relive the magic with the making-of documentary.

The documentary was uploaded to YouTube in nine parts, but you can just hit play and let the magic of the internet show it to you in sequence. Aren’t we nice?

You learn some interesting things from the get-go with this. For example, writer/director Steven Lisberger got his start in animation. His first film was called Cosmic Cartoon and it was nominated for a student Academy Award.

And before TRON was ever the defeater of the MCP with his pal Kevin Flynn, he was animated out of a concept drawing and sold as a TV ad for several radio stations.

These and many other interesting facts (and a very young Jeff Bridges) in this 90-minute Monday night web movie.

Long live the users!

Image: Disney