Fulfil Your Dinosaur-Riding Fantasies For $US50

So far, science has completely failed to deliver a real Jurassic Park. Hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’ll never actually ride a Tyrannosaurus rex. Luckily, the geniuses at Dinoprints are really good at Photoshop.

For $US50, Dinoprints will plop an image you upload onto an illustration of a huge prehistoric beast and print it out for you as a 60cm x 90cm poster. Dinoprints takes this business very seriously. The company provides detailed instructions on precisely how to take photos so the final product looks as real as possible, and the prints are supposedly rendered using the latest 3D technology. If a T. rex doesn’t quite strike your fancy, you can also choose to ride a Spinosaurus or a wooly mammoth.

They should make a $US5 Facebook-photo-size version. You know you’d buy the hell out of that. [Dinoprints via Nerd Approved]