iPhone 3G Australia Launch Guide

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It’s two days and counting until iPhone 3G liftoff. If you’re planning on getting your hands on a shiny new (i)phone on Friday, then it’s time to start preparing for a big couple of days. So what do you do? Fortunately, Giz is here to hold your hand through the hardest part of it all – the waiting.

It all begins in New Zealand. At 12:01 NZ time, the very first iPhone 3G handsets will be sold. Hell, they’re already queuing up to lay claim to that exclusive title of “first”. Giz AU will actually be over in Auckland on Thursday night, covering the world launch of the next Jesusphone (and hopefully scoring one ourselves), so make sure you come back for all the latest up-to-the-minute information. And if you happen to be lining up in Auckland yourself, make sure you say G’day.

Back in Australia, the first step is getting over the fact that the Kiwis beat us at getting their hands on the iPhone (you can always take solace in the fact that no matter how bad the iPhone plans are over here, they’re much worse over there). The second step is planning either a late night or an early morning, so long as you’re in Sydney, that is.