Vodafone Announces HTC Magic Pricing, Beats 3

HTC Dream.jpgGus over at Lifehacker‘s got the goss on the pricing for Vodafone’s version of the HTC Magic, and it looks like they’ve trumped their new bedfellows 3 with a better valued deal.Voda’s cheapest offering gives you a free handset for just $69 a month over 24 months, including 1GB of data and $400 worth of calls. Three’s best plan with a free phone was $99 a month.

It is important to remember though that each version of the phone has certain advantages over the other, with 3’s version being proper Exchange server integration. I did a quick look for exchange software on the Marketplace with the Vodafone version, and the results didn’t instill too much confidence in the third party options currently available. Whether that’s worth a $30 a month premium though is a matter for each buyer.

[Vodafone via Lifehacker]