
  • Kristen Stewart’s Love Me Is Like Wall-E in Real Life

    Kristen Stewart’s Love Me Is Like Wall-E in Real Life

    The new movie Love Me takes place over 10 billion years and stars only two actors who don’t play humans. It’s part nature film, part animation, part stage drama, and incredibly ambitious and dense both in scope and theme. Written and directed by Sam and Andy Zuchero, it’s a film that attempts to capture the…

  • Top 10 Most Gorgeous Space Movies Ever Filmed

    Top 10 Most Gorgeous Space Movies Ever Filmed

    Alfonso Cuarón’s Gravity heralded the return of the glorious space porn movie. The swoon-worthy visuals make you feel as though you’re actually in space, on a unique adventure. But there’s a proud tradition of breathtaking space movies. Here are the 10 most lovely space films, before Gravity.