
  • These Are Some Cool Arse Parkour Bike Tricks

    These Are Some Cool Arse Parkour Bike Tricks

    Video: Why cycle regularly when you can cycle while running sideways on a wall, or move forward while handstanding on the handlebars in the opposite direction? Heck, Tim Knoll, the cyclist in the video, is so good at busting bike tricks that don’t involve the act of pedalling that he can even launch off the…

  • Watching This Dude Run Off Rooftops For Fun Made Me Almost Faint

    Watching This Dude Run Off Rooftops For Fun Made Me Almost Faint

    Video: Here’s a compilation of crazy runs, jumps and parkour tricks from Oleg Cricket, a daredevil who was either born without fear or recently made into some sort of superhero. Hell, maybe even both. You can see him sprint and jump off the side of skyscrapers, flip and twirl over gaps between buildings onto the…