hunger games

  • 10 Great Sci-Fi Tropes (and 5 That Should Be Shot Into Space)

    10 Great Sci-Fi Tropes (and 5 That Should Be Shot Into Space)

    Science fiction is a genre that’s full of storylines, plot devices, and techno-jargon that would be considered ridiculous in the real world. But these tropes are effective, so we keep using them. Over and over again. That might sound like a bad thing — relying on tried-and-true sci-fi tropes instead of creating something new in…

  • Signs You’re Stuck In A Young Adult Dystopia

    Signs You’re Stuck In A Young Adult Dystopia

    Having teenagers nearly die through the complicated machinations of adults is a tried and tested storyline. For a while, it felt like every book, movie and TV show was based on this idea. And you’ve seen and read them all. So the question is: Am I living in a young adult dystopia? We’re here to…