han shot first

  • The Best Star Wars Cantina Aliens, Ranked

    The Best Star Wars Cantina Aliens, Ranked

    The Mos Eisley cantina is one of the most iconic sequences in sci-fi, let alone Star Wars, for good measure: it’s a hectic, technicolor glimpse into a wild world of weird aliens that expands, in just a few minutes, our entire worldview of what the setting can offer us, all these different creatures and stories…

  • Damn, Even Greedo Wants Han Solo To Have Shot First

    Damn, Even Greedo Wants Han Solo To Have Shot First

    “Han shot first!” has been the rallying cry of disgruntled Star Wars fans ever since George Lucas began relentlessly tweaking his iconic movies, most notably that infamous change to Han and Greedo’s cantina encounter. The fans want it restored. Finn agrees. Ariana Grande is a believer. The original script proved it once and for all.…