
  • Let’s Talk About Echo’s End Credits Scene

    Let’s Talk About Echo’s End Credits Scene

    Marvel Studios’ latest show, Echo, is unique in that the bulk of its story is isolated. After quickly explaining its place in the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, the show focuses on Maya Lopez, her family, her heritage, and, eventually, her “uncle” Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin. This is Marvel though. And after being more isolated from…

  • 52 New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books for Your May Reading List

    52 New Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books for Your May Reading List

    May is typically a huge month for book releases, and this year’s no exception — we’ve got a towering pile of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror releases to share, with royal rebels, deep-space weirdness, time-travellers, supernatural adventures, game-show terrors, and so much more.