
  • Listen Up: Wearing Earphones All Day Is No Good

    Listen Up: Wearing Earphones All Day Is No Good

    Wireless earphone sales are booming, with Apple alone selling an estimated 100 million sets of AirPods in 2020. Being untethered from our phones or devices means we are likely to wear earphones for longer periods. As a result, you might notice your ears feeling more sticky or waxy. Is this common? And what happens to…

  • Doctors: Seriously, Stop Sticking Cotton Buds In Your Ears

    Doctors: Seriously, Stop Sticking Cotton Buds In Your Ears

    I tingle just thinking about the full-body sensation accompanying a cotton bud exploring the inside of my ear canal. But the guilt-ridden pleasure is always followed by a nagging mother whisper: “Don’t put anything smaller than your elbow into your ear!” Well, scientists have decided to amplify that whisper.