
  • Video Shows A Dude In A Wingsuit Getting Caught On An Aeroplane

    Video Shows A Dude In A Wingsuit Getting Caught On An Aeroplane

    Video: These daredevil dudes are total pros, so they aren’t fazed at all when one of their guys gets his wingsuit caught on the wheel of an aeroplane. But can you imagine yourself in that holy horror show? You just jumped out of a damn aeroplane and instead of plummeting to the ground (the ideal…

  • Watch A Crazy Couple Climb The World’s Highest Crane

    Watch A Crazy Couple Climb The World’s Highest Crane

    Video: Some things, like cooking or watching terrible movies, are best enjoyed in the company of a significant other — or casual sexual acquaintance, no judgements here. Personally, climbing over 600m up to a rickety crane overlooking Tianjin, China doesn’t seem like a romantic activity so much as a way for both people to plummet…