
  • Dubai Is Creating Artificial Rainstorms With Drones

    Dubai Is Creating Artificial Rainstorms With Drones

    The Middle East, already on the edge of human habitability due to extreme heat, could become unlivable by mid-century due to rising temperatures and falling water tables. In an effort to insulate the region from worsening conditions, the United Arab Emirates has turned to a, uh, unique solution: electrical charge-shooting drones that could help juice…

  • How to Prepare for the Next Time the Cloud Goes Down

    How to Prepare for the Next Time the Cloud Goes Down

    Internet access is pretty essential to get anything done these days, whether it’s chatting with working-from-home colleagues in Slack, binge-watching the latest hit Netflix show, or writing up reports in Google Docs. Most of the apps we rely on run from the cloud, and it’s all too easy to just assume the cloud will always…