Watch A Maze Made Of 250,000 Books Built From Scratch

It’s like something out of a Harry Potter novel, except it’s not. This mini-labyrinth of paper-bound words was built by 50 volunteers over four days and designed by Brazilians Gualter Pupo and Marcos Saboya. The walls at their tallest are 2.5m high and the entire structure covers some 500m².

According to Inhabitat, the maze’s layout roughly follows the fingerprint of Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, best known for his collections of short stories, including “The Aleph” and “Ficciones”.

Based in London’s Southbank Centre, the maze will be around until August 25. If you’re currenly over in the UK for the Olympics, it might be worth checking out!

[Vimeo, via Inhabitat]

Video: aMAZEme
Image: Peter MacDiarmid