Samsung Moves To Final Injunction Against Apple

Samsung’s moved — successfully — to have its preliminary injunction against Apple converted into a final injunction, although the hearing for that injunction won’t be until March next year.

Yes, it’s the court case that seemingly never ends… again. In this case, Samsung’s going to hold back on getting a judgement against the iPhone 4S until March next year, but they’re seeking a final judgement rather than a preliminary one.

Samsung’s official statement is as below.

Samsung Statement Regarding Conversion of PI
In the interests of an expedited and final resolution, Samsung has agreed to the Federal Court’s request to convert our application for a preliminary injunction to stop the sale of Apple products in Australia to an application for a final injunction. Samsung is pleased with this outcome as we believe expediting the main proceedings will be the most effective way for Samsung to protect our intellectual property rights and bring about a final resolution to this case.

I’m no lawyer, but I can’t help but have this image of Justice Bennett shouting “Finish Him”, Mortal Kombat style at one party or another — but presumably, not until some time next year. By which time there could well be a slew of new Samsung and Apple products, ready for round ninety-seven…