Are The Cord-Cutters Just The People Who Can’t Afford Cords?

193,000 Americans quit their paid television plans last quarter. Sounds like a lot, and it is! But as any horse-breeder will tell you (I would guess?): it’s about quality, not quantity. And the people leaving pay TV behind, GigaOm reports, aren’t the ones the payt TV companies care about.

While high-value consumers — the folks who’ll shell out for multiple DVR boxes and fire up the VOD services — are staying and paying, it’s the basic cable grunts who are saying goodbye.

So is streaming video online not as potent a draw as we thought? In these cases probably not. But the more the pay TV providers try to squeeze out of the folks who can afford it, the more they’re going to start looking to streaming solutions. That’s the line the pay TV companies of the world have to walk. And honestly, I still think they may already have crossed it. [GigaOm]