Samsung Launches The NaviBot Robot Vacuum

 title=Until they rise up to destroy us all, robots officially make everything better. Including vacuum cleaners like the Samsung NaviBot, a Roomba-esque dirt sucking machine that will one day rise up and kill us all. Or clean our house, depending on its mood.

The NaviBot is equipped with a camera which takes 30 photos per second in order to pick out which areas of your home it needs to clean. It has 38 built-in sensors, which allow it to avoid obstacles and stops it falling down stairs. It can clean 100 square metres in 40 minutes, so it’s pretty quick too.

Like most robot cleaners, NaviBot will return to its charging station when required, and can charge itself in two hours. You can dictate where and when it cleans certain sections of your home, including no-go zones like a fireplace. It can store 0.6L worth of crap too, so you shouldn’t have to empty it after every room.

There are two models available: the SR8845 neutral grey model which costs $799 and the SR8855 mirror blue model which costs $999. The higher end model includes two virtual guards, a daily schedule cleaning mode, extra brushes and a touchscreen control panel.

I know it’s a potentially evil cleaning robot, but I still want one…
