Recycle Your Old Mobile For Youth Cancer

Recycle Your Old Mobile For Youth Cancer

I reckon I’ve probably got about 5 old mobile phones lying about the place. Some have sentimental value (like the N-Gage, although it’s more to laugh about it than that I liked it), while others I just outgrew. But I’ll probably recycle most of them in CanTeen and The Sony Foundation’s latest charity drive to raise money for Youth Cancer centres across the country.

The Sony Foundation – Obviously Sony’s charity arm – has launched a new campaign alongside CanTeen called You Can, which aims to raise $15 million to open up six youth cancer centres across Australia. The centre’s aim to look after cancer sufferers in the 15-25 age bracket.

To hit that fundraising target, they’re looking to recycle old mobile phones. Simply drop off your mobile phones recycling bins in Sony Centre stores around the country or order a prepaid envelope or address label from the You Can website.

Each phone will be refurbished and resold, earning up to $15 each. Considering they believe that there are 20 million handsets lying unused around people’s homes at the moment, this is a great option to clear up some space and support a great cause…
