Vodafone Puts iPhone Pricing Online, Then Pulls It Down

voda pricing.jpg

Okay, this is bordering on consumer contempt. Vodafone stuck a heap of prices up on their website, then within five minutes pulled them down again.

Fortunately, some of you were quick enough to take screen grabs and details, which you can find below the fold:

$69 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G (Coming Soon)
iPhone 8GB for $189 or iPhone 16GB for $309 includes $310 of talk, TXT & more plus 250MB data per month

$99 MyBusiness Cap for Apple® iPhone™ 3G (Coming Soon)
iPhone 8GB for $99 or iPhone 16GB for $219 includes $600 of talk, TXT & more plus 500MB data per month

$99 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for $99 or iPhone 16GB for $219 includes $600 of talk, TXT & more plus 500MB data per month (Coming Soon)

$119 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for $59 or iPhone 16GB for $179 includes $800 of talk, TXT & more plus 500MB data per month (Coming Soon)

$169 Vodafone Cap Contract for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for FREE or iPhone 16GB for $89 includes $1200 of talk, TXT & more plus 1GB data per month (Coming Soon)

$69 MyBusiness Cap for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for $189 or iPhone 16GB for $309 includes $310 of talk, TXT & more plus 250MB data per month (Coming Soon)

$119 MyBusiness Cap for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for $59 or iPhone 16GB for $179 includes $800 of talk, TXT & more plus 500MB data per month (Coming Soon)

$169 MyBusiness Cap for Apple® iPhone™ 3G
iPhone 8GB for FREE or iPhone 16GB for $89 includes $1200 of talk, TXT & more plus 1GB data per month (Coming Soon)

So, what’s the deal Voda? Were these prices a mistake? Or did someone just press the post button a bit too soon?

And why oh why did we have to wait so long for prices that don’t match the offering from Optus? I think – if these prices are correct – that Voda have dropped the ball big time. Less data, with no free wifi, for more dollars… stupid Voda, stupid…

UPDATE: Reader Mark sent in these extra screengrabs, outlining some extra pricing. I don’t know about you guys, but God I hope these aren’t accurate…

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in – and Mark for the new screens!]